Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week Three Colleague Responses

Alaskan History- A Newcomers Perspective:  Claire made some really great points throughout her blog.  I didn’t realize how disrespectful can be regarding the environment up here.  I have noticed the lack of recycling.  I agree that people should look at the world through a cultures perspective to understand the culture more.  Father Oleska’s definition was really interesting.  I did a lot of searching for definitions that I really agreed with.
Gary’s Alaska Blog: The illustration that shows the observable and non-observable parts of culture is an interesting way to break down culture.  There is so much that can be said to define culture.  I want to use this in my classroom as a discussion piece.  Thanks Gary!  I have really enjoyed seeing the Native Youth Olympics since I have been up here.  It would be neat to see these games take place with different Native groups in the lower 48.
Investigate Alaska: I liked how Betty pointed out that Native values have developed through subsistence, and that their culture has been shaped by means of survival.  I spent some time in Kotzebue.  Being up there I was able to see how much people rely on the land around them for survival.  It is fascinating learning the many ways Natives utilize what surrounds them. 

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