Sunday, April 22, 2012


Late 1800s:  Royal Army discovers Point Barrow. It was settled at a different date.  Barrow was named after Sir John Barrow.     
1884 :  Pacific Steam Whaling Company of San Francisco established a whaling station in Barrow.

1888 :  Presbyterian Church is established.  Leander M. Stevenson was the first Presbyterian Missionary.  But it was Dr. Horatio Marsh who organized the first church.

1901:  First Post Office opens.  Prior to this date mail was delivered to Barrow via dog sleds.

1935:  Airport was dedicated to Wiley Post, a great flier and Will Rogers, popular humorist after their plane crashed.  More importantly an air service in Barrow was established. 
1972:  Alaska Native Claims Settlement was brought to the region.  Alaska was divided up into 12 different regions.  The 13th region is for natives who live in the lower 48.
1988:  Operation Breakthrough occurred when three gray whales were trapped in the ice.
Cause and Effect
Due to the construction of the U.S. Transcontinental Railroad in 1869 the transportation of baleen and oil to San Francisco much cheaper and faster. Whaling is a major staple in the history of Barrow.
As a result of the establishment of the Pacific Steam Whaling Station Native economy developed.  Not only did it provide more employment opportunities but Natives for the first time began trading whales for pay instead of using them for personal use. 
Because Barrow has no paved roads due to the permafrost freight arrives by air cargo year.  Planes bring in travelers, groceries, appliances, really any goods the residents of Barrow need. 

Because of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Barrow is a part of the North Slope Regional Corporation.  The tax revenues from the Prudhoe Bay oil fields and the Trans Alaska Pipeline help to fund much of Barrow’s services.

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